Smallholder farmers operate on about 12% of the World’s arable land (SDG15), and are an integral part of the global food system (SDG2). More than 500 million smallholder farms across the globe are disproportionately managed by the World’s poor (SDG1), who often rely on their farms for subsistence. Due to their small size, smallholder farms are especially at risk from climate shocks, which can wipe out a family’s entire harvest and economic back-up. Healthy soil increases productivity on farms, bringing in greater income to families and increasing their livelihood opportunities beyond the farm.

  • From big to small: the significance of smallholder farms in the global food system

    Journal Article (2017)

  • A Year in the Lives of Smallholder Farmers

    World Bank Blog (2016)

SOIL+ SDGs is an initiative of the CA4SH Engagement Working Group

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Resources can be anything relating soil health with any of the SDGs. This includes scientific literature, policy documents or decisions, op-eds, blogs, videos, and everything else! We are also interested in learning about how your organisation addresses the SDGs through soil health, so we can demonstrate this in practice.

If you have a question for the team, please contact, or fill in the form below and we will get in touch ASAP.


SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy


SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure