The coalition advocates for multi-stakeholder partners to facilitate the adoption and scaling of a global mechanism and processes.

This will be done to guide and catalyse public and market-based private sector investments in soil health with positive outcomes for economic returns and growth, improved productivity and rural livelihoods, climate action and nature.

In addition, the CA4SH aligns with and leverages the work of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

Our main objective is to improve global soil health by addressing critical implementation, monitoring, policy, and public-private investment barriers that constrain farmers from adopting and scaling out healthy soil practices.

The Five Pillars of CA4SH

  • | 1 |

    Accessible and inclusive
    multi-stakeholder actions to empower smallholder farmers.

  • | 2 |

    Transparent and accountable business solutions for public and private investments that promote equity.

  • | 3 |

    Evidence-based policy as an enabler for all, at all scales.

  • | 4 |

    Capacity building for on-ground implementation and monitoring.

  • | 5 |

    Implementation of robust soil health monitoring frameworks to track interventions over time.