Food Forward NDCs: Guidance to enhance NDC ambition and implementation for agriculture and food systems transformation

FOOD FORWARD NDCs is a simple, interactive, web-based tool that presents users with tangible, evidence-backed policy options and measures, and available literature for transitioning to nature-positive, healthy, and resilient food systems through NDCs. The available policy options can be tailored to a country’s specific food systems priorities different intervention areas of the food system, such as food environment, food governance, food production, supply chain, and consumption. The guidance does not intend to prescribe solutions, but instead present a menu of policy options as a starting point for decision makers to further develop and implement on-theground measures for food systems transformation based on national and local contexts.

The guidance ultimately aims to align countries’ NDCs with a food systems approach by serving a dual purpose in both:

  1. Supporting NDC implementation by identifying and presenting concrete practices and measures that enable systemic shifts in food systems to meet NDC targets, and;

  2. Supporting NDC enhancement by providing accessible guidance to help countries ramp up their ambition on food systems in forthcoming NDC updates.


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